Together for the welfare of children and their families in Burundi

To us each family matters


A Burundi where each family has the opportunity to provide  with their children the basic needs 


To give help and support that vulnerable families need in order to confront the different risks they face in their everyday lives


To promote  better health and well being for children  and their families in Burundi

Our main goal is to provide help and support that each vulnerable families need in order to manage the different risks they are faced with and help them parsuie opportunities

Who we are

Home-start Giriwanyu Burundi is a charity association

Home-start Giriwanyu Burundi is a charity association member of Home-start Worldwide and the association offer services that help vulnerable families with young children to manage the different risks that could harm the health and development of children


We listen, we guide, we empower and we teach families resilience

Families learn best strategies to combat malnutrition

Recent Causes

Explore Our Causes

Join us and promote better health for children and women in Burundi

For a majority of women and chidren in burundi are yet to to live up to their full potential.

Adressing maternal and infant mortality is a highly international issue. Home-start Burundi is launching BAHO NAWE(You can live) project target at reducing preventable factors influencing maternal and infant mortality in Burundi.


We raise awareness on breast cancer and other health problems among women in Burundi : Join our compain to promote the women health.

Many of families we serve have children suffering malnutrition

With the help of HS nutritionist and volunteersour Schemes have feeding programs for children victims of malnutrition. 

Some of HS local members


Local schemes


Discover our causes

Join us and  promote the welfare of children and their families in Burundi

HS kids day out

Support our effort to threat child malnutrition

We empower single mothers

board members

Chair Person

Léana Gjertsen



Deputy Chair

Théophile Bujeje





Coordinator : Scheme Cibitoke

Gilbert Yamuremye

Most av rural families live by agriculture and we partner with local agronoms to teach families good methods to fertilize soil to produce enough food for their families